Sunday, April 13, 2008

Level 1

Well got to level one. Last 40 days have made 25 percent on the stock market day trading. Life should almost too easy but it is not. You can plan everything except your wife developing two egg size tumors in the uterous shit is out of control. Achieve goals live in one of the toughest environments on the planet for three years plan achieve goals and then this shit. She was included in every plan I had for the future and now it is like wtf why? The woman I have loved the most in my life and the chance she could be gone. I planned on till death do we part but not this soon for god's sake. Hopefully I have the guts to commit Sepucu if anything happens. I'd rather go out Romeo and Juliet style and chill with her in the afterlife.
Saving the loot was still the best thing though because i have the ability to pay for the operation and be there with her when it happens. I have Ritz Carlton reservations and have told them to put 20 bouquets of flowers in the room with a heart shape of rose petals on the bed. They are opening the resteraunt early so that we can sit down with her famility and eat some good food and relax. I also have the ability to be with her to the end (if it turns out bad) without worrying about little bullshit that doesn't matter, just worrying about Love.


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