Well I bet all my money on MDR to go up. It goes to 20 I am done working it goes to 5 I am broke and it will be time for sepuku. I am tired it is in Gods hand now or at least that's who I will blame lol
I like money and woman which don't usually mix. I like to go to the beach and it's funny because there usually aren't that many people there which is wierd because everyone claims to love to go to the beach. I like to go to different places and live there for extended periods of time. I saw Fight Club one to many times and decided to hit bottom. Didn't quite make it, although I do know that for me when it comes to food, cigerettes and mountain dew. The order is Cigerettes, Mountain Dew, then food. I wouldn't eat for 5 days at a time but stayed alive no problem due to the massive amount of calories I guess in the soda. Didn't feel that hungry either was a really wierd time.